Progressive’s Policy Box offers multi-car, safe-driver, and so many other discounts that people think he’s a big deal. But don’t take their word for it, watch and see for yourself.
Box ‘em up.
Campaign concept creation, visual direction, and production.
Broadcast TV for Progressive’s Policy Box campaign.
Creative Directors: Sean McBride & Josh Kahn
Copywriters: Iman Omar, Thom Crowley, and Brenna Horrocks
Producer: Phoebe Dubay & Sean Vernaglia
A fun(ny) YouTube review.
“I miss the Progressive commercials starring the Progressive Box (voiced by Chris Parnell from Rick and Morty). They were funny and entertaining, unlike the Dr. Rick commercials which are extremely boring and unfunny. I wish Progressive [would] stop making those Dr. Rick commercials and bring back the Progressive Box.”